
Featured On National Geographic

In 2023, we were proud to be featured on the National Geographic website! Below is a snippet of our featured post:

NORWICH, England—“A big thorn bush and a load of brick rubble,” says Sarah Smith, recalling the pre-pandemic state of her printing company’s yard on the outskirts of this medieval east England city.

A couple of years on, it has been transformed into a miniature mosaic of wildflowers, grasses, lavender, and poppies. There are ponds, a rock garden, a vegetable patch, herbs, and a little compost heap decomposing merrily in the sun. Birdsong battles with the thrum of the refrigeration unit at the meat wholesaler next door, bees stock up on nectar as they pass by the warehouses, and field mice scurry through the chain link fence in search of shade, seeds, and insects. It is messy and bursting with life.

This patch of converted wasteland may be only a few hundred square feet, but it is part of a broad movement that aims to reconnect people with nature—and repair some of the catastrophic biodiversity loss that has led to the disappearance of nearly half of Britain’s wildlife and plant species since the Industrial Revolution. Smith and her project are part of a rewilding campaign run by WildEast, a nonprofit encouraging people to let 20 percent of whatever they have grow wilder, whether by creating a pond for wildlife in the backyard, letting churchyard grasses grow long, or turning acreage on private estates back to nature…

Read the full article here.


Three Best Rated

At Dynamic Certificates Online we were thrilled to be awarded for the 4th consecutive year The Three Best Rated Printer in our area.

Three best rated (uk) was created back in 2014 with a simple goal to find the top 3 tradesmen such as professionals, restaurants, health care providers etc in key towns/cities. They simply check the top 3 companies, by checking reviews, reputation, history, trust etc using a 50-point inspection system which uses indicators to pinpoint the best of the best.

Three best rated use 50% algorithm ( by running a computer programme ) and 50% human employees to help mark each company with a score. First the algorithm will run its magic and create a score, then their employees will meticulously go through every category to ensure that the algorithm was accurate.

Here are some of the categories that are scored and looked at.

History, how long has Dynamic Certificates Online been trading for ?

Exact services – are we clear with what we are offering ?

Is it clear what we are Speciaists in ?

Do we have a good reputation ?

Have we got clear images to show case our pdrocuts ?

Opening hours – whether we offer phone calls, Zoom meetings etc

Social Media – do we have a social media presence

Website – is this regularly updated with blogs and photos – does it have sub-categories showing relevant information of products

Awards – have we had any endoresements and honors

Finally Complaint handling – of course very now and again you will get a complaint about a business but it is how you resolved that matters.

To be part of this community helping over 4.5 million customers per month


Eco Friendly Signage Materials

We have been making some big changes at Dynamic print over the past 4 1/2 years in the effort to offset our carbon omissions and reduce our waste ..

We have done this in several ways by making sure we are looking at every way that we can either upcycle, recycle, freecycle any of our waste and we are actively changing to environmentally friendly products to reduce the amount of plastic we use as a business.

One of the biggest changes we have seen at Dynamic Certificates Online is that we have switched too offering our customers when it comes to their signage, a new PVC free board called Triaprint.

We offered a product called Foamex board in the past, but now we offer a product called Triaprint… It is a fully recyclable board, lightweight but sturdy enough to stand, 100% polypropylene board and 100% recyclable ideal for outside and inside use. Triaprint is an extruded polypropylene sheet consisting of 3 layers which are 100% recyclable. The central layer is a cell structured core and the outer layers are smooth and perfect for digital and screen printing.

What can Triaprint be used for ? Eco friendly signage ..

Triaprint can be used for Wedding Welcome signs, seating plans, POS and display stands, indoor and outdoor signage and of course used at any exhibition.

We give this product a full 5 star review


Norwich puppets benefitting from other people’s waste

We were recently featured on the BBC News website! We supply our waste paper products to a local theatre who create puppets for their shows.

If you’d like the read the full article, head on over here to the BBCs website


Sustainability of Print: Why Going Paperless Won’t Save Trees

“Switch to paperless”, “go green”, “save trees”.  We’ve all witnessed companies broadcasting these requests – encouraging customers to ditch paper for:

  • Electronic billing
  • E-signatures
  • Digital receipts
  • Cloud storage
  • Note-taking apps, etc.

Implicit in these green-sheened messages is the assumption that going digital is better for the environment. And that clearly impacts how we think and behave; research conducted by Two Sides found that 60% of European consumers believe electronic communications are better for the environment than paper-based communications.

Are they right? Or are the appeals misleading?

This article will change the way you think about paper. We’ll cover why going paperless won’t actually save trees, by unpacking 3 common myths surrounding the paper industry. 

Myth 1: European forests are shrinking

According to a 2021 survey, 64% of consumers believe that forests in Europe are shrinking (source: Two Sides).

However, European forests are in fact growing. Not marginally, either; the forests have been growing by an area equivalent to 1,500 football pitches every day. In the past 15 years, forests in Europe have spread by the size of Switzerland (source: FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

You might also be surprised to know: the paper industry is a relatively small user of wood. Over 50% of the world’s wood harvest is used for fuel, and 30% is processed for other industries (like furniture). Only 13% is used to make paper (source: FAOSTAT, 2018).

Myth 2: Paper is bad for the environment

Trees need to be chopped down to make paper. But, as Myth 1 pointed out, that doesn’t mean paper is causing forests to shrink.

The good news is that trees are a renewable resource. And we’re thankful that progress is being made: the paper industry’s carbon emissions have reduced by 48% per tonne of product from 1990 to 2019 (source: Cepi). Likewise, contrary to popular belief, the paper and printing sector is one of the lowest industrial emitters of greenhouse gases. 

The paper industry accounts for 0.8% of all EU greenhouse gas emissions (source: Eurostat). Meanwhile, the ICT industry accounts for around 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions – and that is only predicted to rise (source: Journal of Cleaner Production).

Moreover, the paper industry uses respected forestry certification schemes to ensure that virgin fibre originates from sustainable sources. The two most recognised certification schemes are Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ – so look out for those on the paper you use.


Despite misconceptions, paper is highly recycled, and is re-used an average of 3.8 times. In 2020, a total of 56 million tonnes of paper was recycled in Europe – a recycling rate of 74%. Plus, 83% of paper packaging is recycled today (source: European Paper Recycling Council, Monitoring Report).

We always recommend being responsible with your paper consumption. Double-sided printing in the office and implementing separate collection schemes are good practices – they’ll improve sustainability and reduce costs.

Circular economy

Paper, being made from wood fibre, is a natural and sustainable product. The paper industry uses all parts of the tree (and by-products), too. It also fits into the circular economy model perfectly; paper is easily collected and recycled, and its fibres are used over and over again. Make, use, recycle and reuse – to a T.

How is this controlled? In Europe, most primary forests are protected and sustainably managed. Such forests carefully control the cycle of planting, growing and logging.

Myth 3: Digital is better

Over 750 of the world’s largest organisations have stopped using misleading statements that say moving to digital communications is better for the environment (source: Two Sides).

Because, on the surface, digital communications appear more sustainable; electronic devices are used over and over again, which makes it a renewable resource (of sorts).

However, while wood is grown and harvested in a controlled, sustainable way, raw materials from digital equipment are non-renewable. As are their servers and power generators. Electronics are also notoriously difficult to recycle – meaning a specialist recycling scheme is needed.

Every medium will have its strengths and weaknesses. For instance, digital marketing might have a wider reach, while print marketing has higher brand recognition rates. The most important thing is to keep an open mind about how each medium can be used in different situations.

At the end of the day, what matters most is finding a way to communicate that works best for you and your audience. If you’d like Dynamic Certificates Online to help, give us a call on 01416 731655.

Sustainability at Dynamic Certificates Online

At Dynamic Certificates Online, we’re committed to minimising potential negative impacts on the environment. Back in 2012, we were the second printing company in the UK to sign up to the Woodland Carbon scheme. We have since helped raise more than £1,000,000 for the Woodland Trust, which has enabled the planting of more than 300,000 trees.

We also reuse, upcycle, recycle, freecycle and compost as much waste as possible. We like to get creative, by:

  • Recycling part of our paper waste into environmentally friendly products, such as our Eco Flower Supplies
  • Turning pallet waste into tables, planters, doors, sheds and composters
  • Donating greyboard and seeded paper waste to the Norwich Puppet Theatre – who then turn them into background scenery or papier-mâché puppets
  • Composting our food and paper waste in our office garden.

Click here to read more of our policies.

Eco-friendly paper

As conscious printers, we offer a range of eco-friendly products. From corporate stationery, to wedding invitations – Dynamic is able to support a whole range of sustainable solutions.

Our product ranges include 100% recycled paperseeded paperrecyclable kraft paper flower sleevespaper made from bamboo and grass, and 100% recyclable eco signage.

Has your perspective changed?

On top of being an incredible way to engage with customers and build brand awareness, print is a sustainable option – perhaps more so than you expected.

If you’d like to see more myths & facts surrounding paper, check out Two Sides’ website. They’ve got a bunch of free, helpful resources, so that you can learn more about the sustainability (and importance) of print.


Eco Cellophane – Biodegradable & Compostable Cellophane

We were very excited to receive a phone call from Ursula Heyland the lady who founded Heyland & Whittle based in West Sussex

Paddy & Ursula started setting up her family run business back in 2003, creating soaps and home fragrances.

Ursulas passion for using flowers and herbs gave Heyland & Whittle the unique twist filling your homes with your favourite aromas.

They make 100% natural body and bath products, handmade soaps with natural ingredients such as olive oil, herbs and spices like madder root and turmeric.

The packaging is very important to Ursula, already the new collection of reed diffuers, hand poured candles and palm oil-free soaps are set to high standards in eco-friendly design with recycled glass, 100% recycled card and now since finding our Eco Cellophane, uses this to wrap her soaps and baskets …

After her visit to the Eco Flower Supplies shop, Ursula was inspired by our “industrial estate garden” and also purchased some seeded paper that grows for her labels.

Here is a picture of what she uses our cellophane for.

All in all it was a successful meeting and we are both very a happy we met each other.


The Leopard Print Lunch

Guest blog from: Nurture Marketing

Fancy a business networking event with a difference?

Come along to my puuuurfect fundraising lunch at The Feed Waterloo Park Norwich! As the title suggests, the Leopard Print Lunch has a strong cat theme. Dress code is strictly leopard print and there is a three course leopard-themed menu to tickle your taste buds.

(l-r) Rechenda Smith from Nurture Marketing, Chris Elliott from The Feed and Sarah Smith from Dynamic Certificates Online are collaborating for business networking lunch with a difference

Lunch will be served in the beautiful private dining space about Waterloo Park pavilion, with panoramic park and city views. See if you can spot the Cathedral!

Tickets are £30 a head, soft/hot drinks are included, and all proceeds will go to The Feed. Chris Elliott, the superstar Marketing Manager of The Feed will be giving an after-lunch talk about the important work they do in our fine city tackling poverty, inclusion and homelessness. There will also be a prize for the best dressed.

Supported by Dynamic Certificates Online, this event is one not to be missed! Join me and your fellow business leaders on Monday 31st October from 12.30pm.

Book here:

The event forms part of my support for The Feed as Nurture Marketing’s Charity of the Year.



Black History Month

This month Dynamic Certificates Online wanted to highlight some shocking but sadly true facts for Octobers Black History month.

West Indian Soldiers in 1st World War

After being enslaved for 5 centuries, West Indians were asked to support Britain in the 1st world war. There was a shared belief that they would be allowed a better life situation.

The contributions of the 15,204 men who served in the British West Indies Regiment have been forgotten in the UK’s remembrance of the Great War.

They weren’t allowed to fight alongside white soldiers and faced racism from their comrades and enemy soldiers alike. They carried out dangerous jobs such as loading ammunition, laying telephone wires, and digging trenches.

There is evidence that some also saw combat.

Caribbean Soliders in World War II

In spite of racism, black people from across the British Empire came forward to help fight during World War 11. Many volunteered to be civilian defence workers, such as firewatchers, air-raid wardens, firemen, stretcher-bearers first aid workers and mobile canteen personnel. It is estimated that 10,000 men and women from the Caribbean come to the UK to help with the war effort.

The Commonwealth Immigrants Act in 1962

In 1962 the Conservative government acted on the growing issue of racism by creating the Commonwealth Immigrants Act, which restricted the immigration rights commonwealth citizens had been granted in the 1948 British Nationality Act,

In 1964, the Conservatives party’s slogan during their general election was “if you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour.”

Shocking !!

The Bristol Bus Boycott – in 1963

In 1963, members of the black community supported by many of their white neighbours refused to use the Bristol Bus service until the service stopped hiring people based on their colour.

After 4 months, the bus company relented. The Victory proved a milestone, overturning the ban on ethnic minorities working on Bristols buses and marking a significant step towards the UK’s first laws against racial discrimination.

The 1980’s Decade of Firsts

In 1981, Moira Stuart became the 1st Black woman newsreader on TV.

In 1986 saw the incitement to the Racial Hatred Act, which made an offence to use threatening or insulting words or behaviour with the intent to stir up racial hatred in the street or public speech.

In 1987, Black History Month was made a fixture in the UK.

In 1988, Naomi Campbell became the 1st Black model to appear on the cover of French Vogue, Later she appeared on the cover of American Vogue, which marked the 1st time a black model graced the front of the September magazine ( the years most important issue )


Bee Litter Conscious

Our first post-Covid community litter pick was held on 20th May 2021 and coincided with ‘World Bee Day’. This event was sponsored by eco conscious local business, Dynamic Certificates Online.

Ten volunteers from award winning Taverham & Drayton Litter Pickers gave one hour of their time to pick up litter in the local area of Drayton, Norfolk. The total amount of rubbish collected in this short time came in at a grand total of 31.7 kgs – the equivalent weight of 384,615 bees.

Astonishingly it has been recently reported by Canadian researchers that clever bees have started using litter to construct their nests, after a nest made entirely from plastic was discovered.

Dynamic Certificates Online provided each volunteer with goodie bags of seeded paper to grow their own wild flowers, surely keeping the local bees happy and healthy.

Funds from the sponsored litter pick were donated to Taverham & Drayton Food Bank to provide relief to those in the area who need financial assistance.

Thank you Dynamic Certificates Online… you truly are the bees knees!

Blog by Stacy Bradley – Transforming Local Communities


Environmental Social & Governance Policy – ESG

Dynamic Impressions Ltd are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment. This is our path to helping the UK achieve Net Zero, now is the time to act.

Therefore, our Policy is to:

1. Consider environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities.

2. Minimise our waste and then reuse, upcycle, recycle, freecycle or compost as much of it as is possible. So, how do we do this?

a. Recycling part of our paper waste into environmentally friendly products for our division of Eco Flower Supplies (a business seeking ways of reducing plastic within the floristry industry).

b. Reuse, return to supplier or repair our pallet waste by turning them into tables, planters, sheds, doors or composters.

c. Upcycle our greyboard and seeded paper waste by donating it to the Norwich Puppet Theatre for them to make background scenery for puppet shows or papier mache for the puppets. This scheme was launched by Norwich B.I.D (Business Improvement District).

d. Compost our food and paper waste by layering our office garden composter with garden waste, food waste and shredded paper waste.

e. Donate paper waste to schools and charities including a local company called Scrap Box who encourage people to use other businesses waste for their own projects.

f. Turn our printing press waste sheets and guillotine off cuts into upcycled notepads.

g. Reuse all boxes coming into Dynamic by either shredding for wrapping or sending out our products.

h. Endeavour to recycle all other paper, card, plastic and metal that leaves our business and to keep to an absolute minimum that which enters our refuse collection bin.

3. Minimise energy and water use within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimise the consumption of natural resources. We encourage this by placing stickers next to all our machines in the factory, plug sockets and sinks reminding staff to turn off when not in use.

All staff are mindful of energy wastage and how to minimise waste. We have timer plugs and remote control sockets to help ensure electronics are switched off overnight. We have changed all our lighting to LED.

4. We source and purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment, or we come up with practical solutions ourselves.

5. We invested in a machine that turns any cardboard waste that comes into our building into shredded packaging that we can reuse. Upcycling and recycling all in one. As a result, we no longer purchase or use bubble wrap in our business or packaging.

6. We promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner. We train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues and discuss how we can all achieve Net Zero.

7. We have invested time and donated our land to WildEast, transforming our industrial estate unit backyard, once neglected and full of brick rubble, into a wildflower and vegetable garden with ponds for all the wildlife. We have seen an increase around the industrial estate with different species of insects, bees, butterflies and birds, including Yellow Hammers and Goldfinch. We have had a hedgehog, mole and shrew in our garden, also a toad in one of our ponds and the bug hotel is full!

8. We communicate our environmental efforts and commitments to clients, customers and the public by producing our latest brochure containing all of this information. Promoting our journey via our various blogs, our website, YouTube, Linkedin and Instagram accounts.

We have featured on the local BBC Look East regarding our upcycling programme with the Norwich Puppet Theatre and Norwich B.I.D and have recently been interviewed by The National Geographic Society for an article regarding our industrial estate unit.

9. Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, we develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programmes.